DOCTYPE Declaration

A DOCTYPE declaration can contain an internal and/or reference an external Document Type Definition subset

  • The SYSTEM identifier can be used to reference an external DTD grammar.

    <!DOCTYPE root-name SYSTEM "uri-reference">
  • The PUBLIC identifier can be used to 'name' the reference to an external DTD grammar.

    <!DOCTYPE root-name PUBLIC "public-identifier" "uri-reference">
  • The DOCTYPE declaration can also specify an internal DTD Grammar.

    <!DOCTYPE root [
      <!ELEMENT root (child)>
      <!ATTLIST root attribute #IMPLIED>
      <!ENTITY copy "©">
  • Or a combination of external references and internal DTD Grammars can be specified.

    <!DOCTYPE root SYSTEM "uri-reference" [
      <!ELEMENT root (child)>
      <!ATTLIST root attribute #IMPLIED>
      <!ENTITY copy "©">

    The internal grammar takes precedence for entity and attribute-list declaration.


    Elements cannot be declared more than once.


Both the PUBLIC and the SYSTEM identifier can be used to identify alternative DTD grammars. (for instance when the uri-reference defined is an internet address, it would be faster to substitute this using a local file.)